Dr Vesna Cvetkov

Prof. Dr Vesna Cvetkov is an expert in geophysics in Applied geophysics, Environmental geophysics, Geomagnetisam, Paleomagnetisam and magnetic fabrics, Magnetic properties of minerals and rocks and their application to environmental problems. As an author and co-author, she published 89 publications, including 8 articles in SCI indexed journals and 9 articles in scientific journals of national importance. She participated in eight scientific projects financed by the competent ministries of the Republic of Serbia, in one of which she was the leader (Complex Stratigraphic Study of Neogene Sediments of Fruška Gora” – Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia), as well as in 4 bilateral projects, in which she once was the leader (Magnetic study of anthropogenic pollution in airborne dust; bilateral project between Serbia and Hungary). Since 2001, she has had continuous cooperation with the Paleomagnetic Laboratory of the Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary and with the Paleomagnetic Laboratory of the Center for Geomagnetism and Aeronomy “Milutin Milanković” of the Republic Geodetic Authority. She is the winner of the “Milan Milićević” award for the best research work in the field of geology in 2002. She is the head of doctoral academic studies of the Geology study program at the Faculty of Mining and Geology.